Question: We are currently in the last year of med school, and I’m wondering; what are some practical, everyday things we can do to keep our marriage strong? Especially with intern year coming up.
Don’t Confuse Character with Situation
When the demands of life become overwhelming, it is easy to attack your spouse’s personality when in reality, it is the situation you are angry about. The hospital demands that accompany some rotations may make your spouse unavailable to you during the day and home late at night. It is easy to misconnect those dots and assume “I’m not important to her” or “He cares more about work than he does about me.” The ugly reality of medical life is that at times, many elements will be out of your and your spouse’s control. Attacking your spouse’s character when the situation is to blame is unfair.
Make Time Each Day Just to Be Together
Find the time every day to connect. The couples I speak to have become very creative at making this work. One woman tells me she gets up early with her husband every morning before he goes to work. Another client told me they started putting their children to bed earlier every night in order to have some time alone. Try going to bed at the same time, putting work away at a particular time and spending the rest of the evening together, or doing routine activities like walking the dog or washing dishes together. Whatever you come up with, find a way to make this happen every day.Continue Reading