Does insurance pay for couples therapy

Does Insurance Pay for Couples’ Therapy?

Insurance coverage for couples’ therapy can vary depending on the insurance company and policy. While some insurance plans may provide coverage for couples’ therapy, it’s important to note that not all insurance plans cover this type of therapy. The best way to know what is covered under your plan is to call the number on…

The Inside Scoop About Online Therapy

  Every week I receive several emails asking if I provide online therapy. There are many reasons why online therapy is a good idea. Online therapy allows people who live in small communities to reach specialists who may not live near them. Online therapy allows people the opportunity to work with therapists who specialize in a specific…

The Three Levels of Grateful – Understanding how Gratitude Changes Lives

As Thanksgiving approaches, we will inevitably hear much about the importance of gratitude.  Our Facebook feeds will be filled with gratitude posts, Sunday school lessons throughout the month will focus on this topic, and as parents, we will try to help our children understand this principle before they begin asking for Christmas gifts. Yet as…