The Three Levels of Grateful – Understanding how Gratitude Changes Lives

As Thanksgiving approaches, we will inevitably hear much about the importance of gratitude.  Our Facebook feeds will be filled with gratitude posts, Sunday school lessons throughout the month will focus on this topic, and as parents, we will try to help our children understand this principle before they begin asking for Christmas gifts. Yet as…

Why Couples Fight: It’s Not About The Lemons

Marriage experts used to assume that couples fought mostly over what I call “content issues“–the things a couple discusses during a fight, such as money, in-laws, sex, and parenting styles.  They believed that if they addressed each individual content issue, they could help the couple improve their relationship.  But addressing the content of the fights often didn’t do much…

How do I know if we need marriage counseling

How Do I Know if We Need Marriage Counseling?

If you have ever asked yourself, “Do we need marriage counseling?” then that is a pretty good indication that you should pursue that thought. I believe that dedicating time to improving your relationship can be beneficial for every couple. Seeking guidance from a professional marriage therapist can help you develop the best possible relationship. Romantic…