Finding out that your spouse has a porn addiction is often devastating and overwhelming. In recent studies of wives whose husbands are addicted to porn, researchers have found that woman describe their experience in the same way women describe finding out about an affair. The deceit, betrayal, secrecy, shame, and feelings of inadequacy are the same. Because of the stigma associated with pornography, the addicts, and their spouses, often suffer in silence and feel utterly hopeless and alone. One woman has courageously shared her story of struggle as she and her husband have spent years fighting his addiction. She explained to me that she wished there was someone to have told her these things when she was going through it, and she wants to offer that support and encouragement to others.
Pornography addiction is than you might think. I am certain that there are several couples that you associate with on a regular basis that struggle with pornography addiction in their relationship – you just don’t know it. PLEASE share this article. When you share this on Facebook and Twitter or pin it on Pinterest, you don’t know who you might reach. This woman’s tender message may be the sliver of hope that someone desperately needs to hear right now.
I also want to add that therapy can help! Over half of the clients I work with struggle with some form of sexual addiction. The intensive marriage therapy retreat is a powerful way to begin addressing these hurts and putting your marriage back together.