Dining with Colleagues – What’s the Big Deal?

Several years ago, a prominent politician made the comment that he would not eat alone with a woman other than his wife. Some people were offended–claiming that statement and behavior degraded women. Others stated his behavior was archaic. As a marriage therapist, it was curious for me to watch this national conversation unfold. Perhaps I…

Does insurance pay for couples therapy

Does Insurance Pay for Couples’ Therapy?

Insurance coverage for couples’ therapy can vary depending on the insurance company and policy. While some insurance plans may provide coverage for couples’ therapy, it’s important to note that not all insurance plans cover this type of therapy. The best way to know what is covered under your plan is to call the number on…

Is Your Unhappy Relationship Slowly Killing You?

Research suggests that being in an unhappy relationship can have negative health effects. Studies have found that people who are in unhappy relationships are more likely to experience a range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. In fact, some research has suggested that the health effects…

To the Parents and In-Laws of Physicians in Training

Dear Parents, What an exciting opportunity for you to see your son or daughter progressing in his or her career as a physician!  You are the ones that were there, encouraging this process for years: reading bedtime stories, attending parent-teacher conferences, helping with hours of homework and those dreaded yearly science fair projects, and teaching those all-important…