It’s the end of the workday. You rush to finish a few emails, dash down to the car, pick up a child from soccer practice, and stop by the grocery store to get the missing dinner ingredient your spouse texted about. When you walk in the door, there is dinner to prepare, homework to help with, kids to play with, and a little yard or housework to attend to. You check your email on your phone, hurry dawdling kids into bed, and sit down to get a little more work done before you call your brother on the opposite coast. Then, maybe take a little time to read a few book chapters on your tablet. By ten or eleven, you’re turning out the light, mentally reviewing a checklist of things you must do tomorrow as you ready yourself to start it all again in the morning before the house wakes up.
Does this sound familiar?
In today’s world, it can be tough to balance everything that’s on our plates. From work obligations to household chores and everything in between, it can feel like there’s never enough time in the day. And when you add in the constant distraction of technology, it’s no wonder that so many couples struggle to find time for each other. But just because life is busy doesn’t mean that your relationship has to suffer. With a little creativity and effort, you can carve out dedicated time for your spouse and strengthen your connection even amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Here are a few suggestions that can help you be intentional and make time for your marriage:
1. Schedule regular date nights:
Whether once a week or once a month, set aside time for just the two of you. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate – a simple dinner out or a movie night at home can be just as meaningful.
2. Take advantage of downtime:
Instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV during your downtime, use that time to connect with your spouse. Have a conversation, play a game, or go for a walk together.
3. Multitask together:
If you have errands to run, invite your spouse to come along. You can catch up while you’re checking things off your to-do list.
4. Prioritize intimacy:
Physical intimacy is important to any relationship. Make time for it, even if it means sacrificing a little sleep or waking up earlier.
Remember, finding time for your marriage doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. The little moments add up and strengthen your connection over time.
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