Over the last few weeks, there have been several posts on our Facebook Group – Nurturing Medical Marriages™, about how to not be resentful when medical training requires the non-physician spouse to put their life and career on hold for more than a decade. This is such a hard situation and one that many spouses in medical marriages face. Spouses often have to leave jobs and careers, sometimes very lucrative and promising careers, to move all over the country for training – often in places where their job specialty is not available.
It is very easy to feel that you lose part of yourself to this medical profession. Not only is this a possible source of sadness and depression in the spouse, but it is also an open door for resentment to potentially walk right into the relationship and make itself at home.
Because this is such a common concern in medical marriages, I wanted to sum up the many helpful comments from other medical spouses as well as share a few thoughts of my own. Continue Reading
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