Do Not Allow Medicine to Become Your Jealous Mistress
I love being a surgeon. I love being a surgeon. The awe of human anatomy. The adrenaline rush that comes with each incision. The satisfaction of dropping the tumor-inflicted organ in a bucket. Congratulating cancer survivors on cancer-free surveillance scans. I can’t imagine a more rewarding job. But surgery is not my top priority and never will be. Over a hundred years ago, William Osler gave the following “advice”: “Live a simple and temperate life, that you may give all your powers to your profession. Medicine is a jealous mistress; she will be satisfied with no less.” The demands of being a physician challenge every other priority in my life. Unfortunately, there have been casualties—the “jealous mistress” has usurped pickup games of basketball, snow skiing, traveling, causal friendships, camping trips, holiday traditions, etc. However, throughout the past 12 years of medical training, I’ve made a daily and conscious effort to show Kim she is the most important part of my life. If I had to choose between medicine and her, she knows without question that I choose her. My final bit of advice is don’t allow the jealous mistress to displace your spouse from the position of your prime importance. Whatever it takes, make sure he/she knows that they, not medicine, matter most.
The next steps to take to protect your medical marriage:
1. Download the free eBook – The 9 Characteristics of Master Couples.
2. If you are a physician or physician’s spouse, join our Nurturing Medical Marriages™ Facebook Group. We’d love to have you!
3. Support other physician couples by sharing the post with your friends and followers.