- Pick flowers off the side of the road
- SnailMail a love letter – either to home, or to work.
- Create an audio love letter. Smart phones make this really easy. Either record it directly onto theirs, or record it to your own and email it to them. If you do not have smart phones, Google “free audio recording online” and there are lots of options.
- Leave love notes in random places – write on the eggs in the egg carton, on the products that are rolled up (parchment paper, toilet paper, paper towels etc.) Just unroll, write message, and roll back up.
- Use dry erase, wet erase, or window markers and leave love notes all over the shower stall or bathroom mirror.
- Buy some romantic lotion and give a back or foot massage
- Wear his/her favorite cologne or perfume when they least expect it
- Give your partner a card every hour, on the hour.
- Hold hands whenever possible.
- Always touch each other when you walk past
- Never let the kids sit between you.
- Make rituals for coming and going – hug and kiss, say “I love you,” always hang up with other calls when they walk in the door, etc.
- Everyday, try 2 minute hugs and 30 second kisses. (It’s harder than it sounds.)
- Allow your partner to have at least one behavior that really bugs you and never say anything about it.
- Take a bath together
- Shower together every Sunday morning
- Remember to say, “I love you” often
- Remember to say, “I need you” often
- Tuck a note in his clean folded laundry reminding him you wash it for him because you love him.
- Whenever you are driving your partner’s car, fill it up with gas.
- Help out and be tender with the kids
- Turn off/put down the electronics when they are talking to you.
- Always touch base at some point in the day – just to see how they’re doing.
- Make them a special breakfast on the days they have something important
- If they are headed out of town, put a Hallmark card in their suitcase to find when you are apart.
- Buy something new and sexy each year for your anniversary
- Write your love story together. There really is power in remembering what brought the two of you together.
- Come up with a physical activity you can enjoy participating in together – running, biking, hiking, golfing, etc. Something to help you spend more time together doing something you both enjoy.
- Come up with a hobby you can enjoy participating in together – home repair, gardening, antique/garage sale shopping, church service, cooking, etc.
- Get up early and go out to breakfast instead of dinner.
- Have a set date night each week.
- Wink at her from across the room
- Snuggle
- Make time every evening to be together after the kids are in bed. Have it understood that that time is reserved to strengthen your relationship and be connected.
- Watch the sunset together each night
- Snuggle under the stars
- Dance in the kitchen
- Hold hands when you pray
- Surprise your spouse by doing something from their “To Do List” to make things easier for them
- Go for a walk together
- Snuggle and watch a movie
- Say I’m sorry
- Forgive before the other person even apologizes
- Remember to enjoy the moment. Slow down and find a way to be romantic in that very moment
- Dream about a future get-a-way together: Where would you go? What would you do? What would make it special?
- Talk about favorite memories together: past get-a-ways, experiences dating, tender moments shared together
- Express appreciation for your spouse
- Instead of getting frustrated when they don’t do something you would have hoped, give them the benefit of the doubt
- Sit and talk in dim lighting: Dim lighting has an air of romance – fireplaces, candles, dimmed electrical lights. Dim the lights whenever you can.
- Remember I.N.T.I.M.A.C.Y – Intimacy is kNowing That Intimate Moments Are Created by You
If you want more romance and intimacy, you get to choose to make that happen. It is a conscious choice for all couples. Choose to make it a daily part of your relationship with small and simple things you can incorporate into normal life.